Went back to the mark we had a shot for the Mackeral at last Friday. Decided to give my super Fast sinking built in shooting head a try. Started off well with 10 second count downs when a mackeral took my chartreuse and white clouser which i landed then accidentally returned (butter fingers). Unfortunately i lost that fly shortly afterwards , so it was on with another , a flash clouser i tied up lastnight caught my eye, and how effective it proved to be taking 2 mackeral and a coal fish in fairly quick succession as well as attracting others.
wee coalie |
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Flash clouser |
Shortly after i mysteriously lost my fly , probably cracked it off? so had to find another fly, was'nt having much joy with any other flies , A few fishless hours went by , infact the mackeral seemed to have disapeared alltogether . So i went and explored some other parts.
Thought it looked quite pollacky but never got a sniff.
Moved back to here i was and got another little coalfish, had another rest fished bits changed line to intermediate , then changed back again to the fast sinker, nowt doing! Then out of the blue i got a take to a white clouser , a better Coalie? No a Pollack,and my first, result! Another species!
Just to cap the day off managed a smaller one on a similar unweighted fly just before heading for home.
Must get tying some flies might beable to squeeze in another SWFF-Ing trip yet? Got a nasty line groove on my finger needing a bit nursing.