We made our way upstream looking for risers and nearly walked past the next fish which was going good style in a pool that i got a fish from a couple of weeks back, he was intercepting everything from a couple of close by bubble lanes. Col manovered himself carefully into position below the fish in order avoid drag and was ready to pounce on his next rise, the fish did rise but comicly Col had managed to catch the klinkhammer to one of his wading boots and had to sort himself out first! not to worry i could see from my vantage point that the trout was still rising away quite the thing' Col got his klink over him this time and all hell broke loose, clearly this wasn't an average trout like what we thought it was!
Naturaly Col was keen to get him in the net but this fella wasn't going to give up without a fight and it seemed to take an age before i eventualy managed to slip the net under him, no pressure!
what a magnificent trout
we failed to find anymore steady risers after that, not helped by making the mistake of fishing miles of river only to disvover that it had already seen another couple of anglers. But in truth it didn't matter anyway, Col had caught the fish of the day and most probably the season too!