8 June 2012

Going Cuckoo

Lacking a bit of enthusiasm of late as far as fishing go's particularly trout fishing, same old i guess, and probably not an unusual trait at this stage in the season . Other species and even other methods are starting to dominate my thoughts pike on the fly , and saltwater fly fishing, and recently i bought a "flattie" rod for a bit flounder fishing .
Well today i went into work to finish off a personal project, a beach rod rest, gave it a lick of paint etc looks like it will be up to the job.

After that i had a couple of hours to spare, i couldnt be bothered with the prospect of putting on waders etc, so decided on the local wee burn, at most i would need wellies.
The first wee pool is always a banker, i promptly caught a wee fish a pricked a slightly better one on a size 14 klink.

The fish were not numerous infact this is a stream that really needs some water , at that you really need to be on the water hours after rainfall, or it quickly go's back into it's normal low state, but today was'nt really about catching loads of fish , purely  enjoyment it' something wee streams give me , a sense of acheivement no matter the size of the fish when all go's to plan.
  Seems a few better sized fish here and there , the best today came from this hole under a bridge , i simply dropped my fly on the water and it shot out and grabbed it.
Ive another burn in mind for next week.